Extend your learning experience!
This PDF complements the Cinematic FREE 12 DAY MANDARIN CHALLENGE.
It provides you with detailed information about words and characters, sheets for writing characters, QR codes for seamless access to multimedia layer and review sections.
8 $
About this PDF
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac dolor at leo feugiat convallis. Donec congue porttitor scelerisque. Donec leo ligula, porttitor non enim id, mattis tristique tellus. Etiam ac elementum leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac dolor at leo feugiat convallis. Donec congue porttitor scelerisque. Donec leo ligula, porttitor non enim id, mattis tristique tellus. Etiam ac elementum leo. Aenean nec magna quis mi mattis pretium et nec dui. Aliquam bibendum tellus sit amet consectetur vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac dolor at leo feugiat convallis.
Aliquam bibendum tellus sit amet consectetur vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac dolor at leo feugiat convallis. Donec congue porttitor scelerisque. Donec leo ligula, porttitor non enim id, mattis tristique tellus. Etiam ac elementum leo.
About the author
Filip Mracek is a senior Chinese language instructor and founder of the interactive learning platform Chineseffect.com.
He studied Chinese under recognized experts on Chinese phonetics and grammar at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic and later, he was selected for a government scholarship to study Chinese at the prestigious Renmin Daxue - People's University - in Beijing.
Over the years Filip has been teaching hundreds of different students including top managers, high rank diplomats, people in the army and those interested in martial arts and Chinese medicine.
He also has extensive experience with interpreting and tour guiding for Chinese clients, but this work didn't bring him satisfaction or motivation. He found out that he loves helping people get new Chinese skills that expand their vision and at the same time make them feel better, more confident and more relaxed.
"I see teaching as a great platform to deepen the understanding of how our mind works and help people use it in a new, more fun and more relaxed way - which naturally brings the most effective results.You see - when we feel good and relaxed, everything we do is better. I also believe that languages are a great tool for expanding our life experience and perception of the world. The Chinese language is just perfect for this expansion."